Satisfaction Benchmark Program- Ongoing Measurement

Customer satisfaction programs for clients:

Satisfaction Benchmark Program


This is the first step in the satisfaction measurement program. We will develop a baseline for your organization and compare it with hundreds of over satisfaction surveys with specific emphasis on your industry. On completion of the Satisfaction Benchmark Program, we will develop an action plan to solve the problems identified in the study.


  • Extent of revenue at risk because of low customer satisfaction
  • Reasons for low satisfaction and a comprehensive overview of key triggers of dissatisfaction.
  • Actual cost of dissatisfaction and erosion of loyalty to revenue realization.
  • Strategies to prioritize areas to be solved in the short, mid and long term.


Approximate time frame: 3-6 months


Arcus offers a comprehensive suite of customer satisfaction planning, measurement and deployment services. These services range from Satisfaction Benchmark Programs to Ongoing Satisfaction Measurement Program. Please contact Merril Mascarenhas, Managing partner for more information at +1 (416) 710 2727 or by email.


Organizations are increasingly interested in retaining existing customers while targeting non-customers; easuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace.


Find out how your company can address its greatest challenges. Click here to request a proposal. Contact us to find out more information on our customer satisfaction services.