Organizational design strategy

Position evaluation consulting services

Organizational design strategy involves structuring and configuring an organization’s components, such as its people, processes, technology, and culture, to achieve its strategic goals and objectives effectively. It’s a critical aspect of organizational management and directly impacts an organization’s performance, adaptability, and ability to execute its strategy. Here are key considerations and steps in developing an organizational design strategy:

Define Your Strategic Objectives: Start by clearly defining your organization’s strategic objectives and long-term goals. What do you want to achieve, and how will success be measured?

Assess the Current State: Conduct an assessment of your organization’s current structure, processes, and culture. Identify strengths and weaknesses that impact your ability to achieve your strategic goals.

Determine the Organizational Vision: Define the future state of the organization. What does the ideal organization look like in terms of structure, culture, and processes? Consider factors like market dynamics, customer expectations, and industry trends.

Identify Key Design Principles: Establish the guiding principles that will inform your organizational design. These principles should align with your strategic objectives. For example, if innovation is a key objective, a principle might be to foster a culture of experimentation.

Structure and Hierarchy: Consider the most appropriate organizational structure, whether it’s functional, divisional, matrix, network, or a hybrid model. Determine how authority and decision-making will flow through the organization’s hierarchy.

Roles and Responsibilities: Define clear roles and responsibilities for each position within the organization. This includes specifying the expectations, competencies, and accountabilities for each role.

Processes and Workflows: Map out key processes, workflows, and interdependencies within the organization. Streamline and optimize processes to align with your strategic objectives.

Culture and Values: Define and cultivate the desired organizational culture that supports your strategic goals. This may include values, behaviors, and norms that drive desired outcomes.

Talent Management: Develop strategies for attracting, retaining, and developing the right talent to execute your strategy. This may involve recruitment, training, and succession planning.

Technology and Tools: Assess the technology and tools required to enable and enhance your organizational design. Consider how digital transformation can support your strategic goals.

Change Management: Develop a change management plan to facilitate the transition to the new organizational design. This should include communication, training, and addressing employee concerns.

Performance Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that will help measure the success of your organizational design in relation to your strategic objectives.

Feedback and Adaptation: Continuously gather feedback from employees and stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of the organizational design. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed to remain aligned with your strategic goals.

Communication and Alignment: Ensure that your employees are aware of and aligned with the new organizational design. Communication and engagement are essential for successful implementation.

Legal and Compliance: Ensure that your organizational design is compliant with relevant labor laws, regulations, and industry standards.

Risk Management: Consider potential risks and challenges associated with the new design and develop risk mitigation strategies.

Implementation Plan: Develop a comprehensive implementation plan that outlines the timeline, responsibilities, and key milestones for transitioning to the new organizational design.

Regular Review and Optimization: Regularly review and optimize your organizational design to ensure that it continues to support your strategic objectives as circumstances change.

Organizational design strategy is an ongoing process that should evolve in response to changes in your organization’s strategic goals, industry dynamics, and external factors. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that the organization is structured and aligned to execute its strategy effectively and adapt to a changing environment.

Service coverage

The variety, breadth, and depth of the projects where Arcus can be a resource are made unique by each client’s specific needs. By providing a very small sample of projects we’ve completed, we can help you understand how and when to use our services. Visit the links below to find out more about a specific problem or opportunity you would like to address.

Below is a sample of the range of services that Arcus has provided to clients.

  • A survey of 2,350 consumers and 1,320 business leaders for feedback on sustainability trends
  • Architecting a multi-year change strategy for a Fortune 500 company
  • Mentoring a CEO on organizational change
  • Excellence transformation of a leading B2B services company
  • Creating a new sales deployment model for a healthcare company
  • Developing a position evaluation and compensation model for a professional medical association   
  • Improving services to customer segments by deepening their understanding of customer attitudes

“Arcus manages to consistently deliver tangible results on market research and strategy projects. They combine deep business expertise, powerful research capabilities, and innovative thinking to deliver substantial value.”

– Vice President, Nikon