Fundraising Product and Service Applications. Our donor analytics modules are tailored to meet the specific needs of each strategic goal and can include a combination of the following:

Donor analysis non profit
Analytics and Research: The donor base analytics will support the development of the most tailored constituent strategies. Arcus has dedicated Research and Research Analytics Departments that oversee data analysis, prospect research, prospect screening, predictive modeling, benchmarking, gap analysis, and tailored constituent strategies for our clients that includes Benchmarking, Prospect Research, Research Analytics and Wealth Screening and Predictive Modeling.
Non-profit Charities Consulting Services – Arcus Fundraising Donor Clusters Case Study
Sample analysis: “Technology mavens”; Impact of technology on giving by the next generation of Canadian adults
An analysis by Arcus Analytics indicates that the next generation of Canadian adults is driving the future of charitable donations through an increasing emphasis on technology. Arcus looked at the role technology plays in charitable giving, particularly among younger generations. Our analysis found that one in three young people say technology has had an impact on the amount of money they have donated to charity over the past five years.
“Needless to say, there are many firms that provide research and strategy consulting services, but few can deliver the value demonstrated in performing the scope of analysis, strategies, product evaluations and practical recommendations. Your commitment and ease of doing business with your firm ensured that we had a sound basis to address our most challenging business decisions.” – Mr. Peter Flattery, CEO, Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada
Campaign Planning, Management and Direction
Arcus Analytics will develop donor profiles that will help your organization work collaboratively with institutional development personnel to provide coordination of day-to-day campaign operations. This unique and comprehensive approach of connecting donor/prospect profiles with desired outcomes ensures successful campaigns. Our data will support campaign management, monitoring, strategy, direction and reporting.

Feasibility and Planning Studies
Our donor analytics includes feasibility and planning assessments defined by extensive strategic conversations, volunteer engagement, and momentum-driving implementation. Our in-depth engagement with dozens of key players, expertise, and informed analysis – including peer benchmarking and prospect qualification – produce an individualized road map for maximizing fund-raising potential. An assessment of operating practices and organizational structure informs recommendations on the development of a campaign plan and case for support.
Development Assessments and Management
Arcus leverages analytics profiles of donors to define overall fund-raising planning and development management, including budget creation and tracking, development audits and reviews involving comprehensive analysis of results potential, staffing, resources, volunteer budgets, and information systems. An assessment or audit of communications strategies within the context of development offered include Peer comparison and analysis, Resource assessments, Reports on findings, Analysis, and Recommendations for implementation.
Custom Learning Services
The donor profile analysis will be a trigger for custom learning to improve performance, efficiency and retention. A fundraising training program, customized to suit the needs of your development operation, can maximize fund-raising and lead to greater sustainability with measurable results. Our learning model is re-shaping professional-skills development based on three core principles: Deliver a relevant learning experience that addresses your organization’s challenges and is integrated with your fund-raising plan. Our training programs are fully customized and unique to your organization, relating key topics directly to your staff’s professional experience and training needs.
Executive Consultation
The Arcus team includes partners with an average of 24 years of consulting experience. Executives work with non-profits includes extensive experience in campaign planning, board orientation and development, case statement development, major gift strategies, recruitment of key leadership, and strategy meetings
Arcus has extensive corporate networks through its 16 industry association memberships and numerous speaking engagements. Our informal corporate networks of senior executives can provide non-profits with opportunities to engage companies and high net worth individuals in their plans.
Donor Analysis Support
Product profile
Arcus Analytics offers non-profit organizations a unique and powerful marketing tool to identify, analyze and target their most important donors and prospects with a tool that combines geo-mapping intelligence with socio/psycho/ demographic and lifestyle behavioural insights. The data is sourced from several government sources such as Statistics Canada and cross referenced with Arcus’s proprietary Analytics geo-mapped profiles and databases. The output includes a defined map with boundaries based on postal and census areas. These profiles are linked to customized reports that address specific strategic issues and challenges. The service offering includes a next day delivery of an analysis with flexible fee structures such as pay-as-you-go or subscription based services.
Donor segmentation tool (Who are your donors and prospects)
With 36 lifestyle mapping clusters, the Arcus donor needs assessment tool provides in-depth insights into your donor profiles – their mindsets and propensity to give, linked to specific motivators and causes. The analysis will identify who is giving/not giving and why. The powerful segmentation tool is based on Statistics Canada’s Census data, Arcus’s Social Values research and provides accurate prospect counts based on geo-mapped data by postal codes and other metrics drawn from FSA data from Canada Post.
Target marketing tool (Where are your donors and prospects)
Business intelligence regarding donors and markets to identify unique insights that could impact revenue growth and marketing messages. The tool is quick, highly customizable and helps you identify relevant geo-mapped donor profiles (based on postal codes and Enumeration Areas). The tool can cross reference donor lifestyle clusters with media consumption Media consumption patterns of across media channels such as the internet, social media, direct mail, print, TV, radio etc. The outcome is a more effective media targeting strategy to reach the donors who are most likely to be motivated by your message, resulting in a higher ROI.
Prospect engagement tool (How to reach and engage your donors and prospects)
Clients define the geographic area, prospect profiles and competitive variables for a messaging strategy. Arcus can test the messages with a sample base of each donor cluster and provide an impact and risk assessment, based on a set of variables such as awareness, understanding, persuasion and action. In addition, the donor clusters can be linked to product purchasing patterns – purchase frequency, dollar outlays, and loyalty metrics to help the client identify potential corporate donors to engage. It provides an evidence based offering that can accelerate acceptance of proposal by corporate donors. The analysis of donor profiles is delivered with formatted reports, maps and profiles of the most important donors and prospects.
Data points
Benchmark donor profiles against most successful non-profit organizations. Arcus Analytics offers over 200 data points, 1,500 probe areas and 36 donor profiles that can be cross-referenced and analyzed, based on unique requirements of non-profit organizations. The analysis will help clients to identify prospects, donors at risk and important donors, based on geo-mapping and unique lifestyle indicators.
- Demographic information
- Household profiles and financial insights
- Segmentation of consumers
- Social Values and psychographic profiles
- Lifestyle Profiles
- Media Consumption Profiles
- Geo-spatial mapping Frameworks to map existing donors and prospects
- Customer satisfaction metrics
- Analyze employee profiles and competencies against industry standards
Arcus offers a robust research and competency assessment methodology that draws on a defined set of drivers of performance of employees. This information is correlated with specific job responsibilities and competency requirements for a set of positions.
If you are interested in retaining our services, please contact us.
Case studies
Select from the following. Review our case studies. Contact us to discuss a project or request a proposal.
- Hospitals/Healthcare
- Associations
- Universities and Colleges
- Non-profit Charities
- Occupational Standards
- Market Research
- Program Audit
- Strategy Planning
Client Case study:

Arcus helped Telefilm Canada with a Change Management Strategy linked to a Technical and Manufacturing Skills Program (TMS) anda Business Improvement project . The organization managed the human change associated with this initiative to mitigate risks in terms of stakeholder engagement, adoption and performance sustainability.
Client testimonial: Mr. Peter Flattery, CEO, Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada

“Needless to say, there are many firms that provide research and strategy consulting services, but few can deliver the value demonstrated in performing the scope of analysis, strategies, product evaluations and practical recommendations.”
Service coverage
The variety, breadth, and depth of the projects where Arcus can be a resource are made unique by each client’s specific needs. By providing a very small sample of projects we’ve completed, we can help you understand how and when to use our services. Visit the links below to find out more about a specific problem or opportunity you would like to address.
Sample projects in the public sector
- Learning Needs Assessment: Educate staff and management on change and to assess their ability to adapt to a new environment
- Transition Strategy: Develop and implement a transition strategy for the Client to assume a much wider mandate and a tripling of their Human Resources and to coach the Management team.
- Organizational Knowledge Management: Manage the human change associated with this learning initiative to mitigate risks in terms of stakeholder engagement, adoption and performance sustainability.
- Corporate Mission and Vision Development: Develop a vision for the future of this division and an action plan to achieve this vision.
- Current and Future Organization Assessment: Describe the preferred future and to develop learning plans to get there and to solve current operational problems.
- Training and Coaching Strategy: Develop and implement a training and coaching strategy for the new communications managers in order for deal with change.
- Arcus partner Pinnacle Group’s processes are featured in a Harvard Business Review article on business process re-engineering at Volkswagen of America. Read more.
Collective experience
- Fanshawe College
- Government of Ontario
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Department of Foreign Affairs
- Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
- Department of Justice
- Department of National Defense
- Department of Natural Resources
- Department of Public Works
- Department of Transport
- Electricity Sector Council
- Environment Canada
- Government of Jamaica
- Human Resources Canada
- Industry Canada
- Natural Resources Canada
- Public Administration of Brazil
- Public Sector
- Public Works
- Revenue Canada
- Telefilm Canada
- Textiles Human Resources Council