Best Practices for Better Results.

Consulting companies offer $70 Billion of advice each year in North America. And yet 70% of change initiatives fail because of lack of senior management commitment, unrealistic scope and expectations and resistance to change. Flawed customer strategies aggravate the problem.

Most companies lose half of their customers every five years. More than 80% of companies continue to focus on acquiring new customers instead of retaining their most profitable customers. This acquisition strategy erodes their profitablity because for every dollar invested in retaining a customer, these companies spend seven dollars to acquire a new customer. Like a leaky bucket, these strategies have limited impact.

Find out your company’s performance against a benchmark of 500 of North America’s most successful companies. Contact us for an evaluation of your customer relationship cycle and an ROI audit.

Uncommon approach for better results
A segment-driven approach will build stronger, more distinctively positioned brands—and increase the return on marketing outlays. Vertical depth of expertise will drive our solutions. Our goal is to build a long-term relationship with you that will be judged not just by our strategic solutions, but by measurable results, and proven results.

Better understanding of Customer needs
We will be more successful to the extent that we understand and satisfy customer needs. We will use marketing investments and all customer touch points to better understand customer needs, attitudes and preferences. We will use this customer feedback to ensure that the most compelling message is presented to each customer.

More experienced talent gets to better solutions
The odds of increasing sales for companies grow dramatically with best practices. We truly believe that superior marketing value can be delivered through unmatched knowledge and experience. Who needs another consulting firm? There are more than 8,000 firms in North America selling $70 Billion in advice. But we aren’t for everyone; we are designed for a segment in the business universe. Our strategic business design has four core elements to it: a partner (owner/operator) structure; leading, progressive clients (the best in their industries); the best talent; and the best tools – “low-value-added” layers have been removed.

Deeper trust builds business
We also believe in transparent accounting – we show clients exactly how we spend their money – without any fancy lingo. We are responsible to our clients, not to shareholders. We invest our time to thoroughly understand management, marketing, sales and support challenges, including retail, market and competitive environments. The end result will be higher client satisfaction with a measurable change in business performance.

We invite you to learn more about us by exploring the links to the left. Need more information? Email us.