Employee Engagement Report

Employee Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability: Even in today’s soft economy, there’s a competitive edge overlooked by many organizations: employee performance management. That’s the term for putting a strategic focus on achieving financial success through loyal customers and motivated employees. Justification for employee performance management is supported strongly by an Arcus survey of 2000 consumers:


  • 82 percent of customers will stop using your product if they lose trust in your company
  • Disengaged workers cost the economy $30 billion or more a year
  • Companies with a strong link between enterprise strategy and rewards programs generate a shareholder return almost 40 percent higher than competitors without such strategies


Compelling reasons make it clear that employee performance management will become the predominant business strategy in the coming decade. “Customers, both retail and industrial buyers, are getting smarter about the value of service. They’re increasingly frustrated and more willing than ever to take their business elsewhere. Employee performance is the key to success for any organization. We know, based on extensive business research, that employee performance is enhanced by systematic ‘employee recognition’, defined as an after-the-fact display of appreciation or acknowledgment of an individual’s or team’s desired behavior, effort or business result that supports the organization’s goals and values”.



Loyal customers entail lower selling and processing costs and generate more incremental revenue and referral business. Companies that score higher than their competitors in customer satisfaction and repeat business have the upper hand in financial performance.
Arcus Employee performance management (AEPM) involves disciplines familiar to most business people but puts them together in a way that cuts across the traditional organizational boundaries. The question to ask is how can we deliver world-class service without world-class people? AEPM doesn’t cost more money or add a new level of bureaucracy. It redirects resources to focus on what counts the most: motivating every employee, salesperson, and reseller to do as much as possible to attract and keep


Please click on the links below for additional information or contact us to schedule a call / meeting or us to discuss how we could leverage our tools to meet your requirements.


Job Evaluation and Impact Measurement


Organization Wide Compensation and Rewards




Arcus offers services in all the key areas that impact executive and organization compensation:

Board advisory


Compensation Design


Incentive planning


Please click on the links below for additional information or contact us to schedule a call / meeting or us to discuss how we could leverage our tools to meet your requirements.


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